Empowering the Beast: Democratic Exceptionalism and Political Ritalin

I remember learning in school how stereotyping was bad, but now the left is functioning on stereotypes.

Democratic politicians and their media allies never do anything really wrong these days  -- according to themselves -- and their motives are always portrayed as good and beyond question. Even questioning either is "conspiracy theory." Christians and conservatives in general, on the other hand, are always presumed to be capable of great evil and to have evil motives.  

Democrats also have claimed to hate any sort of exceptionalism, including "American exceptionalism," but it certainly seems like they believe in exceptionalism for themselves, and that anything is justified if it's for the agendas they believe in. They believe themselves superior to all other groups and so are entitled to have the most power in the world and to be the chief justice over humanity, while conservative and especially Christian beliefs are regarded as morally depraved.

And their contempt and fear of those with different beliefs leads them to create fairy tales. This is from an American Psychological Association article on political psychology and partisanship today:

"Most political researchers agree that the modern media environment has a lot to do with that hostility. “Once there were three networks that saw it as their responsibility to cover the news events in an objective way. Then people realized they could cover the news in such a way that they could turn a profit,” says political psychologist John Jost, PhD, co-director of the Center for Social and Political Behavior at New York University. Today, we have partisan cable news networks and clickbait “news” websites that feed off of political disagreement. “They’re making money by energizing polarized audiences,” Jost says."

"Partisanship" has never been higher because the Satanic, anti-Christ spirit has never openly had so much political power in America, and many in the church too have followed it as it attacks any and all expressions of the Christian faith, seeking to make the world "free" from Christ.

Even though there were only three TV networks years ago, there were many more media companies, as well as magazines and advocacy organizations who would send out newsletters and organize events and actions to make people's beliefs heard. And only liberals would think that the three networks from years ago were trying to be politically neutral and "objective," although their bias might not have been quite as great as now.

Now social media also give people an instant platform to say whatever they want, and the left doesn't want to hear what it doesn't want to hear, or anyone else to hear what they don't want to hear, either.

Similar to the mass administration of Ritalin to kids, the left now wants to take any major conflict out of politics, framing it as pathological and undesirable although that was one of the chief intended features of republican democracy to begin with. Their concerns about partisanship is really just a ruse to silence their opponents and try to make themselves dictators, though in doing so they would really be empowering, not themselves, but the Satanic beast of Revelation. 

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