Praising the Lord for His Son, the Lion and the Lamb

 Praise our Heavenly Father, for giving us His Son, who is a spiritual lion that appears to sleep, but is only longsuffering, like the Father, for the sake of His children. And the wise who are lost see Him and soon grow afraid, and turn back to the Lord. And the prodigals get tired of living in constant dread around the lion, and eventually they turn back to Him, too. But the wicked grow only more bold in sinning as, in their eyes, the lion continues to sleep, and might even be dead, until one day, the lion’s eyes open and he springs up, to their horror.

And praise our Heavenly Father that His Son knows His sheep and became a sheep for our sakes, and no sheep’s outfit can ever fool Him, and no unconverted wolf shall ever enter Heaven.


By Erika Schwibs God created us to be happy. But that means living closely with Him, and on His terms, in neverending perfect harmony -- wha...