Shelter for the Homeless

This world is like a prison, and we're the criminals. We must be re-formed to live in a perfect place like Heaven, and to live perfectly in tune with the One who rules Heaven all the time while fully maintaining our free will and the freedom of our hearts. All that can and does happen through knowing Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That's the only way our living in Heaven is possible.

But this world is also like a homeless shelter you can't remain at permanently. And Heaven is also a homeless shelter...but unlike all other shelters, it's a perfect one. It's a refuge from the Hell of this world, and the next. And you can stay forever, in happiness.

When confronted with the simplest choices about basic conveniences, comforts and pleasures -- like beds that are comfortable versus painful to sleep in, better and worse food, getting enough versus not enough sleep, etc. -- people tend to be absolutely sensible and to choose the BETTER. I see that at the homeless shelter I'm in all the time. So, too, should they choose the BETTER next world. It's that simple.

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Revelation 14:2

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